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Pepper Rasam is very popular in South India. It tastes great with hot steamed rice and little ghee. Pepper Rasam is very soothing and a great remedy for cold and sore throat. It is good during the winters.
Rasam is usually made from tomatoes and spices like pepper powder etc. The flavor of rasam is spicy, sour and yummy. Rasam can be made with Rasam powder which includes approximately a similar spice as Sambhar powder, slightly extra coriander powder. Rasam goes perfectly with rice or you may even drink just like a soup if you find yourself suffering from cold. Rasam can also be well-known as thakkali rasam, chaaru, saaru an... Read More..
About Recipe
Rasam is usually made from tomatoes and spices like pepper powder etc. The flavor of rasam is spicy, sour and yummy. Rasam can be made with Rasam powder which includes approximately a similar spice as Sambhar powder, slightly extra coriander powder. Rasam goes perfectly with rice or you may even drink just like a soup if you find yourself suffering from cold. Rasam can also be well-known as thakkali rasam, chaaru, saaru and kabir. It is among the certain recipe in Kerala.
Rasam can be made without having dal, or with a little bit of dal - 1 tsp. into a 1 / 2 cup. Usually, toor dal is used, and contains this is similar to Sambar. It's a thin, spicy soup generally made with the addition of tomatoes. It hardly ever contains other vegetables. The best style is made from just water and spices.
There are several varieties of Rasam. Of those, some are made to be used when having a fever and/ or even a cold while others are offered with a regular meal or festive meals known as “Sadhyas”. While in the plan for being offered in a festive meal, a Rasam is offered with rice and papads following the sambhar and rice prior to the payasam (kheer).
ayuryaam Posted on Tue Sep 29 2015
nice recipe. would like to try it. can u please tell me any alternative for tamarind juice.?
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Fri May 01 2015
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