Bitter gourd Biryani or Bitter gourd Pulao whatever you may say is the one which I planne...
A great way to use up leftover rice, this quick fried rice cooks up with green peas and s...
Murgh Musallam is a popular non-vegetarian recipe and combination of lamb mince, eggs and...
One of the tastiest mixed vegetable pulao that one can make. As soya granules help to inc...
Vegetable Biryani is an exotic, aromatic rich Indian Mughlai pulao dish layered with rice...
Watched many videos of making dum biryani using large handi, but at home, we have shown a...
Spicy vegetable garlic fried rice is an oriental rice recipe with the rice stir fried with burnt garlic and assorted bell pepper juliennes.
Rice is among the most favored food items consumed by many people. It's also an essential staple food that's broadly eaten in Asia. Rice is a flexible component that is simple to cook, can be produced like a main dish, side dish, delicacy or included into making some mouth-watering, delicious snack foods to accomplish a delectable and yummy food.
There are millions of people who require or adore consuming a range of quick to prep... Read More..
About Recipe
Capsicum annam, Kudamilagai sooru, Shimla Mirch chal |
Rice is among the most favored food items consumed by many people. It's also an essential staple food that's broadly eaten in Asia. Rice is a flexible component that is simple to cook, can be produced like a main dish, side dish, delicacy or included into making some mouth-watering, delicious snack foods to accomplish a delectable and yummy food.
There are millions of people who require or adore consuming a range of quick to prepare and simple to ready fried rice. Fried rice is one kind of all-time, best convenience foods, which can be consumed by itself without having side dish or curry. They may be prepared added in a range of ingredients so it will be delicious.
Numerous favorite types of fried rice their very own particular list of ingredients. You may often include a number of veggie or non-vegetarian foods. You can also make a range of fried rice with rice, seasonings and meats like mutton, chicken, fish, shrimps or prawns. Many of these rice recipes are really simple to prepare and freshly made homemade meals are usually nutritious.
Some of the popular and fried rice recipes are listed here:
Fish Kedgeree Rice is nutritious meal made out of flaked smoked fish along with rice, spices, eggs, fresh herbs and cream.
jdoggaydog Posted on Thu Jul 09 2015
"Spellings"? Take care of your grammar before criticizing others.?
Reply 0 - RepliesShilpa Parikh Posted on Wed Apr 13 2016
Would it be ok to use a lil leftover bbq chicken in the mixture and use chilli sauce instead of tomato ketchup? Ta!?
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Aarthi Kannaiyan Posted on Wed Jul 08 2015
'FRIDE' take care of ur spellings!!!?
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