Uggani is an amazing dish made from a simple puffed ric /Borugulu.This is a popular snack...
Zafrani Pulao is a mix of rich ingredients - Basmati rice cooked in a sweet and rich blen...
Adas Polow, a delicious rice layered with lentils. It's a great rice dish to prepare when...
An easy-to-make khichdi from the gujarati town of kathiyavad! A perfect combination of da...
Chooza biryani is one of the aromatic and special recipe which made from fresh spring chi...
A perfect one pot yogurt flavored South Indian rice dish tempered with spices. This recip...
Kholapuri Mutton Biryani is a perfect blend of spices with mutton. Every bite is an explosion of flavors in the mouth with an amazing spicy taste.
Kholapuri Mutton Biryani is an awesome biryani recipe with a perfect blend of spices. Ever since there is biryani to compliment it a special gravy based curry which is popularly known as salan. Here in Indian,salan are different kinds like Hyderabadi Mirchi Ka Salan, Baiga... Read More..
About Recipe
Kholapuri Mutton Biryani is an awesome biryani recipe with a perfect blend of spices. Ever since there is biryani to compliment it a special gravy based curry which is popularly known as salan. Here in Indian,salan are different kinds like Hyderabadi Mirchi Ka Salan, Baigan Ka salan, simple salan . Every dish has its own unique taste and flavors. This dish fresh aroma makes any person mesmerizes to have until stomach full. Freshly ground spices enhance this dish even more.