Cool weather calls for warm soup, It is a delightful recipe of pumpkin and barley soup. ...
Fennel Pepper Chicken Fennel Pepper Chicken also typically referred to as Milagu Koz...
Whole lemon cucumber stuffed with sesame seeds, ground nuts and spices, is a delicious r...
Spicy chicken meatballs with a soya sauce and oyster sauce makes a great appetizer. ...
Kandi podi is prepared of dry roasted dals (lentils) with other spices to give a nice aro...
This is a brilliant recipe for kids turning the humble potato into delicious homemade wed...
Healthy snacks for kids then try this which is yet another cutlet recipe- crispy fried Cutlet or Shallow fried patties of Palak Paneer snack.
About Recipe
Indian cheese (paneer) is a rich supply of calcium. This can help in building strong teeth and bones. Paneer provides the health advantage of protecting against osteoporosis, that is a problem of old age. Ladies who have accomplished menopause and men above 65 years of age should make it a rule to add it to their diet to obtain 25% of calcium through food.
Paneer taken in moderation may help in reduce weight. It's good to remember that lots of people who want to lose weight, include Indian cheese or paneer in their diet plan. Paneer also provides the benefits of reducing the development of insulin resistance syndrome. Hence it's all about dealing with the issue of insulin dependent diabetes.