Pudina Aloo is a super easy Side Dish which is a perfect combination for rice and rotis....
Dahi bhindi or dahi wali bhindi is rich, creamy okra is best to serve with roti or butter...
Kaju Matar Usal is an excellent dish cooked in Maharashtrian style - Cashew nuts cooked w...
Baigan ka Salan is a specialty from Hyderabad. Salan is a term which denotes to a spicy ...
A Bengali ridge gourd potato curry recipe using a creative combination of ingredients, wi...
Spinach cooked with Indian cheese. Palak Paneer is a popular vegetarian delicacy made of ...
The combination of Soya nuggets and Spinach is very healthy and protein diet.
About Recipe
Bachchali koora, Pasalai keerai, Palang sag |
viswanath v Posted on Wed Sep 09 2015
Good healthy dish. Did you say 'observe' or 'absorb'. I hear this a lot in your presentation and from Vah Chef as well. Please try to rectify this. I have pointed this out as I am a huge fan of Sanjay Sir and don't want anyone
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