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Pot stickers are all time favorites for many and this airfryed version is is really awesome
which are stuffed with finely shredded cabbage seasoned
Pot stickers are all time favorites for many and this airfryed version is yummy stuffed & seaso... Read More..
About Recipe
Gos koora, Muttaikose, Bandha kopi |
Pot stickers are all time favorites for many and this airfryed version is yummy stuffed & seasoned with finely shredded cabbage. Pot stickers are very popular Chinese street food that is liked by many and this fantastic air fried version of cooking the pot stickers makes it an awesome, healthy and nutritious snack. These amazing small stuffed dumplings are very easy to prepare and fast to cook.
They can also be pre-prep and then air fried when the guests arrive. This helps in saving a lot of time and serves them with hot and fresh food. These delectable, luscious and appetizing pot stickers are made with a very healthy stuffing of shredded cabbage, sweet corns, spring onions combined together with sesame seeds, spiced with green chillies and pepper powder, garlic flavored and butter added to keep them moist and juicy while cooking.
Sesame seeds give a sweet and nutty flavor on bite.
Recipe: Air Fryer Pot Stickers
Traditionally, Pot stickers are delectable and irresistible dumplings that are generally steamed on one side and pan fried on the other. The pot stickers are crisp on the outer side and slightly browned on the bottom side stickling lightly to the pan but make it easy to remove with a spoon. A good pot sticker should not get overcooked and should live up to their name by sticking firmly to the pot.
This actually makes them a special snack to relish. One of the old and traditional ways of making good pot sticker dough is using hot water that gives the dough greater elasticity and holds its shape better while cooking. Pot stickers are commonly known as Guotie in Chinese. These pot stickers are a Northern Chinese style of dumpling that is popularly served as a street food, appetizer etc.
The stuffing is often made of pork, cabbage, spring onions, ginger, cooking wine and sesame seed oil. You could also use other meats like chicken or beef. The pot stickers are generally accompanied with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce or hot chilli sauce. Cooking a variety of foods in air fryer saves a lot of time, saves more than 80% of the oil we use in regular cooking and keeps the food fresh, holds all nutrient contents and is guilt-free food and healthy to eat. Do try this recipe and enjoy eating healthy and nutritious foods. Kids would love eating this snack and will surely ask for more. Do watch the making of this easy and fast to cook Pot Stickers.
Pot stickers can be eaten at any time of the day – breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can either constitute as a starter, side dish, or the main meal. It is a wonderful dish that can be prepared at home. Generally every family has its own preferred method of making them, using favourite fillings, with types and methods of preparation varying widely from region to region. But remember that air frying is a fantastic and brilliant method of cooking the pot stickers. Do try them and then you’ll know what you are missing on. Vahrehvah offers a wide variety of air fried snacks and appetizers.
Do watch out and this surely will keep your family in good health and is a quickie and easy snack idea that you can stir up to quick growing appetite of your children or to refresh your tired loved one and caters to your guests.
To try more easy, yummy and appetizing snack recipes, do click on:
My rating: 4 stars: ★★★★☆ 1 review(s)
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Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Daniyah Posted on Thu Nov 20 2014
the mama-type, the papa-type cracked me laughing XD!!I love your philips air fryer recipes! thanx!?
Reply 0 - RepliesSharmistha Banerjee Posted on Sun Apr 26 2015
dear chef may i use chicken & paneer as a stuffing. if i can then how??
Reply 0 - RepliesSharmistha Banerjee Posted on Mon Apr 27 2015
dear chef thank you. small piece chicken as chilli chicken piece or smaller than that.?
Reply 0 - RepliesSrilakshmi Vishnubhotla Posted on Thu May 14 2015
Could you post vegetable manchurian and medu vada recipies with airfryer? I bought an airfryer after seeing all your wonderful recipies and have been super pleased with the results so far!?
Reply 0 - RepliesJen H Posted on Mon Mar 14 2016
How would you set it for frozen dumplings? Thank you!?
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Lovely Jellyfish Posted on Thu Nov 20 2014
Look so yummy ! Thank you for the recipe ! :)?
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