Chicken with the added flavor of pumpkin tastes amazingly delicious....
Plantain sukke is a variety dal recipe prepared with dal and raw plantain. This can be se...
Spinach and potato parcels is a snack recipe prepared with spinach, sweet corn and potato...
Green gram crushed and tossed with onions and Indian spices and very well for diet cooki...
This innovative dish leads us to combining chow chow vegetable with Parsi style Salli Alo...
The dish bhuna chicken is an extension of that process where meat is added to the spices ...
Cabbage and Chickpeas Curry is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish. It is a quick and tasty lentil and chickpea dish.
About Recipe
Gos koora, Muttaikose, Bandha kopi |
Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Fri Mar 27 2015
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