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Cajun Spice rub Chicken wing is one of the best combinations of flavors that one must taste to delight their palate. The spice mix is combined with an amazing seasoning of little spicy cayenne peppers (chili powder), freshly crushed pepper powder, a bit of earthy herbal touch flavors from oregano and dry parsley, a drizzle of vinegar to give that tangy zest to the Cajun rub.
About Recipe
Kodi vepudu, varuval, Muragira mansa Bhaja |
Cajun Spice Chicken Wings Cajun Spice rub Chicken wing is one of the best combinations of flavours that one must taste to delight their palate. The spice mix is combined with an amazing seasoning of little spicy cayenne peppers (chilli powder), freshly crushed pepper powder, a bit of earthy herbal touch flavours from oregano and dry parsley and drizzle of vinegar to give that tangy zest to the Cajun rub. This brilliantly cooked air fried Cajun spice Chicken wings with a rub of little oil over gives a crust and shine layer that adds a pleasing and alluring finish to the wings in creating an awesome and flavourful chicken wing.
This is an amazing dish to all the obsessed meat eaters who love spicy, tangy, rusty meat with a crusty layer covered with earthy and herbal flavours. A drizzle or brush of sauce at the end adds a pleasing level of heat to create one awesome wing. Hung curd mixed with spices helps in coating the wings well and also lends some amount of moisture on air frying. The skin of the chicken wings has their fair share of fat to give a fantastic crispy texture and stay nice and juicy. It is generally said that Chicken wings are also popularly known as Buffalo wing or hot wing.
These spicy coated chicken wings are often deep fried coated with vinegar based hot sauce cayenne pepper spice mix. You could serve them hot with carrot or celery sticks along side with a dipping. Finally the end product is truly extraordinaire, taste divine and I just can’t really imagine anyone not liking these scrumptious and mouth-watering chicken wings. The perfect blend of spices combined together is the vital element in making them so intense and flavourful. Do try preparing these delectable Cajun Spice Chicken wings cooked with hardly any oil yet crisp and juicy to dribble your taste buds.
Cajun Spice Chicken Wings Recipe:
Hung curd - 1 tbsp
Chilli powder - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Garlic, finely chopped - ½ tsp
Onion, fried - 1 tbsp
Oregano - ¼ tsp
Dry parsley - ¼ tsp
Chicken wings, without skin - 8 – 10 nos
Oil – 1 tsp
Vinegar - 1 tbsp
Black pepper, freshly crushed - ½ tsp
Do try it once and for sure you will keep making it many more times. Watch and enjoy the making this recipe
You could always reach me at my website for more amazing nutritious and enticing Chicken recipes at:
Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Maria Goumas Posted on Sun Sep 21 2014
Hi what brand that cooking air?? Never heard is that healthy cooking?? Where to buy??? Yummy?
Reply 0 - RepliesCasey _ENG Posted on Sun Oct 12 2014
where this channel has been hidding from me lol??? seriously ! im glad i came across your video chef.i just subbed?
Reply 0 - RepliesAnand Pai Posted on Wed Oct 22 2014
I got this Philips air fryer after seeing vah chef's recipes in July. First off all, this guy has put some amazing recipes anyone can try. Also once you get a hang, you can experiment with all sorts of combinations. Brining was the key element fo
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sai sathish Posted on Sun Sep 21 2014
Chef i always have a doubt, why do we preheat the oven or fryer?????
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