Delicious Pulav with the tangy twist of tomatoes and aromatic flavors of basmati rice mak...
Fish biryani is made of fish of your choice marinated with spices, fresh herbs and cooked...
Gurda Kapoora Biryani is a special meat dish originated from from Lahore in Punjab....
COCONUT RICE, fresh coconut rice, coconut pulihora, kobari annam, coconut tempered rice, ...
Bhatkali biryani is a special biryani savoured in all parts of coastal Karnataka....
This Mughalai vegetable pulav is an adapted pulav in the regions of the deccan area where...
Pitha, or fita is a type of rice cake from the eastern regions of the Indian subcontinent. Learn the recipe of Pittha by vahchef.
Prepared using fresh rice flour and spicy masala lentil filling, these are a treat when served with Masala Chai.
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