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Sukha Murg Ka Mukul1


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Sukha Murg Ka Mukul1 Recipe, How To Make Sukha Murg Ka Mukul1 Recipe

Tasty Sukha Murg ka Mukul is a brilliant crispy fried snack dish made with threads of chicken breast coated with flour and deep-fried until golden in color and crispy; sprinkled and tossed with some aromatic and flavourful spices to make the dish alluring. This is one of the best snacks that each of us will surely vouch to be eaten at any given time.

Sukha Murg ka Mukul is a brilliant crispy fried snack dish made with threads of chicken breast coated with flour and deep fried until golden in colour and crispy; sprinkled and tossed with some aromatic and flavourful spices to make the dish allurin... Read More..

About Recipe

How to make Sukha Murg Ka Mukul1

(1 ratings)
26 reviews so far
Prep time
15 mins
Cook time
10 mins
Total time
25 mins
Sukha Murg Ka Mukul1
Author : Vahchef
Main Ingredient : Chicken
Servings : 2 persons
Published date : February 05, 2019

Ingredients used in Sukha Murg Ka Mukul1
• Chicken breast - 1 number.
• Vinegar - 1 tea spoon.
• All purpose flour - 1 tablespoon.
• Oil - to fry.
• Garam masala - 1/4 tea spoon.
• Chili powder - 1/4 tea spoon.
• Salt - to taste.
• Amchur powder - 1/4 tea spoon.
  • Heat water in a bowl add vinegar, salt, add chicken breast, cook it for 2 minutes then transfer to a plate, and let it cool down then pull out the chicken into thin threads, add the flour into the threads and mix it well, and strain the chicken threads to remove the excess flour.
  • Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the chicken threads in a golden color.
  • Transfer to a plate, and sprinkle garam masala, chili powder, salt, amchur powder, mix it well, and serve.

Cooking with images


Sukha Murg ka Mukul is a brilliant crispy fried snack dish made with threads of chicken breast coated with flour and deep fried until golden in colour and crispy; sprinkled and tossed with some aromatic and flavourful spices to make the dish alluring. This is one of the best snacks that each of us will surely vouch to be eaten at any given time. Making Sukha Murg ka Mukul is a bit tedious but it’s worth the effort because the ultimate result of the dish is just extraordinaire and divine to savour. It has a fantastic texture, colour is alluring and mouth-watering and all will surely crave to eat again and again.

The chicken threads are slender, crispy and offer a crunchy feel on bite. The crackling sound of the chicken threads would also make other to grab the snack. Chicken is one of the all-time favourite meats that most of us love to eat. Kids are very fond of eating poultry due to its delicious taste and smooth meat texture. There are umpteen snacks that we can make from chicken. Making these snack fresh at home is always healthy and best to feed the kids too.

When it’s homemade, you could also take the liberty of adjusting the spices, use good tender pieces of meat and keep it healthy and all this is surely worth the indulgence to delight your taste buds. Most of these Chicken fried recipes are easy to prepare and tempts each and every one as the fragrance and aroma lingering around the kitchen while preparing craves for more. The fried chicken is an excellent combination of crunchy exterior and juicy meat inside. The benefits of eating chicken have been proven years back and everybody loves to munch.

Chicken is a rich protein meat and protein is the biggest use in our body. Intake of protein helps obese people to lose weight and aids in weight management. Chicken also has selenium, an element that helps promote thyroid hormone metabolism which eventually controls the metabolic pathways. This also has anti-oxidant to defend the immunity of the body. The chicken lean meat also has the capability to stimulate growth and development of the body and it’s primarily in charge with the most important body parts to unleash its energy functions.

Recipe of Sukha Murg Ka Mukul:


  1. Chicken, breast       -             1 no
  2. Vinegar                    -       1 tbsp
  3. Salt                          -       to taste
  4. Water                       -       as required
  5. Flour                        -       1 tbsp
  6. Garam masala         -       ½ tsp
  7. Chilli powder           -       ½ tsp
  8. Amchur powder       -       ¼ tsp
  9. Oil                            -       for frying  


  1. Boil some water in a pan, add vinegar and salt. Take the chicken breast and put it in the hot water and allow the chicken to cook for 2 minutes. The vinegar helps to coagulate faster.
  2. Remove the chicken breast onto a plate and dry it out. Gently pull out the chicken meat into thin threads and keep aside.
  3. Sprinkle some flour over the chicken threads and toss well. Strain the excess flour.
  4. Heat oil in a pan and when it becomes piping hot, drop the chicken threads and deep fry till they are golden in color and crispy.
  5. Remove and sprinkle some garam masala, chilli pd, salt and amchur powder. Toss the crispy chicken threads and serve hot.

If you wish to try more fried chicken recipes, then feel free to click on:

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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…  


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C. R. N Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

this looks awesome

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TheMiramens Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Chef, can you make cookies with less calories? I made all your cookies and they are sooo good, but the result is that I gained 2 kilo's!

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bullsnutsoz Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Great tucker my friend!

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luthfa begum Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Sounds delicious, crispier then crisps.

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sema rai Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

innovative dish

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LEGION LOPEZ Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013


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sowndarya kuna Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Great dish

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BTDT Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Wow! You are truly the most innovative chef on youtube...maybe in all of India even. Hats off! Sanjeev Kapoor has nothing on you man!

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bigfootchem trailpilot Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

I heard the sound man !!! I heard the sound !!!

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rshmpr1 Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Chef MAIKHALIYA recipe please....

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John Rambo Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Make special baklava for Ramadan please!

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Mary Thomas Posted on Tue Aug 06 2013

Chef Love Your Dishes and Innovations. Chef you have made soooo many kebab's . Waiting for kalami kebab innovation from you ..... Please Chef can you share the secret of your style KALAMI KEBABS.......

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