Sweet and sour bitter gourd pickle is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish.310...
Usiri Karam podi is an excellent spice mix powder mixed with rice and ghee. ...
Green chili chutney tastes same as readymade green chili pickle and has a pungent taste o...
Chutney made from raw papaya in south Indian style is one of the most had recipes....
Ginger pickle/ Allam pachadi is a very popular spicy pickle from the Andhra cuisine. Ging...
Any recipe made with eggplant taste good. Chutney made with brinjal different from other ...
Pachadis or chutney gives a euphoric feeling to many mainly for their spicy and tangy flavor.
Khatti Palak chutney is yet one more excellent chutney made with Chukka kura also commonly known as Khatta palak, ambat chukka etc, which is a sour leafy green and is tangy to taste when cooked. The vibrant coloured greens added to spices with a garlicy flavour and tempering of curry leaves balances the tartness of the greens. Khatti Palak chutney can be savoured with ho... Read More..
About Recipe
Khatti Palak chutney is yet one more excellent chutney made with Chukka kura also commonly known as Khatta palak, ambat chukka etc, which is a sour leafy green and is tangy to taste when cooked. The vibrant coloured greens added to spices with a garlicy flavour and tempering of curry leaves balances the tartness of the greens. Khatti Palak chutney can be savoured with hot rice, a generous helping of ghee (clarified butter) and raw onion.
Chutney or Pachadis gives a euphoric feeling to many mainly for their spicy and tangy flavour. It is the basic item in a thali in any Indian food, either for breakfast, or along with parathas or even along with a tea time snack. Chutneys are either made like pickles or made from fresh ingredients like herbs, vegetables or even certain fruits. It is an important ingredient for serving idli, dosa, vada, uttapam, Sandwiches or most chat items like samosa, pakora, aloo paratha and so on. in short, it is the main component for Indian snack item. Chutney can also be made with fruits, vegetables, herb or spices. Most of the famous chutney recipes are made using coconut, mint, coriander, ginger, mango, tamarind, red chilli, green chilli, peanut, tomato. Some of the chutneys are Idli Peanut Chutney, Tomato Chutney, Coconut Chutney, Cucumber Chutney, Ginger Chutney….
Khatti Palak, or Rumex vesicarius, is a green leafy plant cultivated for its leaves and commonly known as ‘Green sorrel’. Seen most often in markets throughout India and surrounding countries. It is available year-round in sub-tropical climates, with a peak season during the summer months. Chukka kura is a sour leafy green available in our parts with fleshy leaves similar in looks to spinach and a flavor as tangy as red sorrel. You can also make Chukka Kura Salan with this leafy veggie
Cooking Tips:
Health Tips:
Enjoy it with chapati, hot rice or even a curd rice. You will love it for its heavenly taste!! Yumm….
To try more favourite chutney recipes of mine, click on: https://www.vahrehvah.com/chutney-and-pickles-recipes
You could always reach me at my below links: My Cooking Videos, Indian Recipes, Indian Food, Regional Indian Cuisines, VahChef Sanjay Thumma
Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
88ravisy Posted on Thu Aug 15 2013
Hi Sanjay, Pls post Chukka Koora pappu ,my fav pappu of all ...would love to check your version !
Reply 0 - Repliesqueen bee Posted on Thu Aug 15 2013
What leaves it is called in malaysia.Can someone pls let me know.tq.
Reply 0 - Repliessoujiblogger Posted on Fri Aug 16 2013
Mix this chutney with hot rice, plain dal and ghee. Superb heavenly taste.....
Reply 0 - Replieshareramable Posted on Fri Aug 16 2013
the palak has not been cooked or even blanched.would it not have raw taste?
Reply 0 - RepliesM.A.Bhaskar Achar Posted on Sat Aug 17 2013
please see again. it is boiled in the pan
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kanan1525 Posted on Thu Aug 15 2013
me the FIRST
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