This is a tiffin as well as snack recipe. These vadas are unbelievably crispy and better ...
A combination of dal and curry in one recipe. It is a spicy and popular gravy prepared in...
Foxtail millets are highly nutritious and non-glutinous. They are considered to be the le...
Moong dal with spicy onion is a dry dish, some onions and spices added with moong dal and...
Green onion dal is an amazing side dish made with spring onion and dill leaves cooked in ...
Relish a delightfully new flavor by adding in a fistful of dill leaves into pressure cook...
Idli is a south Indian savory cake popular throughout India. The cakes are made by steaming a batter consisting of fermented black lentils and rice.This easy digestable recipe makes an excellent combination with ginger and peanut chutney.
Note :While using pressure cooker for making idlis, the steam hole should not be covered by adding the cooker weight. Steam should escape freely.
Idli is regarded as the popular south Indian food. Rava urad dal idli is an alternative choice to rice urad dal idli. The interesting thing about this idli is the fact that batter does not need any fermentation. Dal has to be soaked for three hours and your idli batter will be ready within 30 minutes after grinding it. Making it much more fascinating, it's fine to use green peas, carrot, chopped curry leaves, coria... Read More..
About Recipe
Rava idli, Soft idli recipe, Tamil idli |
Idli is regarded as the popular south Indian food. Rava urad dal idli is an alternative choice to rice urad dal idli. The interesting thing about this idli is the fact that batter does not need any fermentation. Dal has to be soaked for three hours and your idli batter will be ready within 30 minutes after grinding it. Making it much more fascinating, it's fine to use green peas, carrot, chopped curry leaves, coriander leaves, green chilies and spluttered mustard seeds into it. served this rava urad dal idli with sambar and coconut chutney.
Rava idli is among the simple recipe which have the goodness of several dals and spices. It's not only healthy and irresistible but additionally quite simple to prepare too. These day there are few readymade instant rava idli packs found in market which just required water and steaming. However, nothing compares to the flavor of traditional homemade idli.
To make the rava idli fluffy you can use baking soda or eno fruit salt. Without baking soda or eno fruit salt rava idli will probably be hard and rubbery, in contrast to being soft and spongy.
Health benefit of Rava (Semolina):
Semolina consists of durum wheat this means it helps to keep you full a bit longer of time and prevents from overeating. In other words, you'll be able to lose excess weight in a shorter time. It has phosphorus, zinc and magnesium that is essential for the maintenance of the good nervous system. Semolina also includes selenium in abundance which prevents infections and strengthens the immune system too
It includes sufficient quantity of iron and that is needed for the body. Eating a diet that is loaded with iron boosts blood circulation, generate more energy for your day-to-day functioning.
Monika Dagar Posted on Fri Apr 25 2014
i m a s tudent, studying in foreign, all things are not available here, so i cn i make idly with rice n dal(i bought frm home)...rice is available here...rply asap?
Reply 0 - RepliesSalma K M Posted on Thu May 29 2014
The way u teach the recipi is very understand able thank u?
Reply 0 - RepliesShabriya Buhary Posted on Mon Jun 09 2014
can you teach how to make idli with cream of wheat please??
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Mitali Saharia Posted on Mon Apr 14 2014
what is gun powder??
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