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Easy healthy ranch dressing recipe with all real food ingredients like yogurt and spices.
Ranch style dressing is one of the most popular and traditional salad dressing. It is very easy to make, is full of flavours and makes a great delicious dip too. Ranch dressing is extremely delicious and is served with everything from raw vegetables... Read More..
About Recipe
Ranch style dressing is one of the most popular and traditional salad dressing. It is very easy to make, is full of flavours and makes a great delicious dip too. Ranch dressing is extremely delicious and is served with everything from raw vegetables to fried chicken wings. A typical Ranch dressing is a type of salad dressing made with combination of buttermilk, salt, garlic, onion, herbs such as chives, parsley and dill, spices like black pepper, paprika, ground mustard seeds etc that are mixed into a sauce.
The key is the tang of buttermilk that unites with the special blend of seasonings for a robust creamy flavour. The Ranch dressing has been the best selling salad dressing in the US since 1992. It is also used as a dip for vegetables such as broccoli and carrots. Ranch dressing also goes well with French fries, fried chicken and various other fried foods. In addition, it is also used as topping over pizza, wraps, tacos, hamburgers etc.
Salad dressing: Salads are one of the healthiest foods that we all must include in our daily diet. A flavourful dressing will make it more appealing and enticing to eat. There is no limit to the variety of salad dressings, sauces or dips that we can make. A good yummy dressing can enable you to be totally satisfied with your salad every day and will never make you feel boring to eat. Try out innovative ideas and feel free to create a delicious new dressing every day.
The five key components to make your dressing flavourful is have the right sour/acidic or tartness in it. Sweetness gives a pleasant and agreeable taste to the palate. Inclusion of fat or cream makes the smooth, rich, oily, luscious and velvety while herbs & spices complement and add extra zest to the flavour of the salad. Right amount of salt intensifies the flavours. With help of these components you can delight a varied range of dressing to suit your taste.
Remember that preparing food is an art, one must have the passion and creativity to play with varied flavours to make the food yummy and mouth-watering, hence always start with small amounts and adjust the flavours to suit your taste. This recipe is an extremely healthy and nutritious salad with fantastic colourful veggies, chickpea and egg slices mixed together with an awesome ranchy salad dressing to taste great. To enjoy its exotic taste, you’ll have to surely give it a try.
How to prepare Healthy Ranch Style Dressing:
Finally eat a wide range of foods to ensure that you are getting a balanced diet so that your body is receiving all the nutrients it requires. You could always reach me at my website for more amazing nutritious and healthy recipes at: You could also follow this campaign to gain knowledge on some special features and advices from eminent doctors from AAPI (American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) and also get to know of healthy recipes and diets from popular Chefs that you and your family can relish and enjoy staying fit and strong.
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Enjoy healthy eating and Be Fit. Be Cool!
Colors in Games Posted on Sat May 03 2014
love to see this healthy tasty versions of classics?
Reply 0 - Repliesrainbow mama Posted on Sat May 03 2014
I am sure u wld hav enjoyed dal & roti more chef ;)?
Reply 0 - Repliessan5981 Posted on Sat May 03 2014
pls show how to make varieties of dipping sauces, green chilli, red chilli sauce(for chinese cooking) at home?
Reply 0 - RepliesAshleyation Posted on Sat May 03 2014
Looked very tasty indeed, and I love brocolli?
Reply 0 - RepliesTanaya Chanda Posted on Sun May 04 2014
thnk u for this easy recipe... its healthy too... ?
Reply 0 - Repliespesto12601 Posted on Sun May 04 2014
Not Ranch ... more like yogurt dressing... you want healthy ranch... try this:soaked cashews, dill, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper... there you go!?
Reply 0 - Repliesrac rac Posted on Tue May 06 2014
What a great idea the addition of garbanzos as a thickening agent! Greetings from USA!?
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Rajesh Paladugu Posted on Sat May 03 2014
What are you doing so early on Saturday chef...go sleep :)?
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