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Rice flour chakli or Buttermilk Chakkalu is one of the most popular diwali snack and widely made and consumed snack all across India.
Buttermil Chakkalu is a deep-fried snack made from rice flour or a mixture of lentil flours. they are also known as murukku in South India.
Number of desserts and savories are made of rice flour, adding other spices to serve the guests and relative in the festival time. These delicious recipes would remain for about a week to ten days.
One particular common tasty dish is the Chekkalu or Rice cracker. Rice crackers can be made in a number of sizes and shapes. These chekkalu are called in different ways in different s... Read More..
About Recipe
Perugu vepudu, Thayir varuval, Doyi Bhaja |
Number of desserts and savories are made of rice flour, adding other spices to serve the guests and relative in the festival time. These delicious recipes would remain for about a week to ten days.
One particular common tasty dish is the Chekkalu or Rice cracker. Rice crackers can be made in a number of sizes and shapes. These chekkalu are called in different ways in different states of south India like Thattai, Nippattu, Ribbon Murukku, Pappu Chekkalu and so on, however the primary ingredients stay the same. The majority of these are prepared throughout the Diwali, Krishna Jayanti and Sankranti celebrations.
These rice crackers are the cooking secrets and techniques which are carried on since years till nowadays. Chekkalu like the majority of first-time anxious chefs attempting to prepare traditional food. It is not simple and easy, particular food preparation does might need some expertise prior to being perfected. It's a fantastic snack be it festive season or not. They're usually made out of channa dal and rice flour and tastes fabulous.
These crispy chekkalu works well together with evening tea. They may also be used as munchies while you're watching tv and also as a snack in your child’s snack box. There are numerous versions to make the Chekkalu. They're crunchy delicious appetizer best to be offered with hot tea or have while on a trip or entertaining guests. It is an all-time popular snack as well as a total yum. They are one of the extremely addictive snacks when barely anyone can give up eating. Do prepare and store them for your kids and friends for any ongoing festivals!
Wasim Posted on Tue Oct 13 2015
sooo nice?
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