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Cashew Chicken in Manchurian style is an awesome, truly enticing stir-fry dish where the batter coated chicken is nicely air fried first in the Philips air fryer, an excellent modern technology to avoid deep-frying foods, and then is stir-fried in a non-stick pan with a medley of exotic veggies and a spicy, sweet and tangy slurry.
Cashew Chicken Manchurian is a brilliant fusion snack blending of Indian and Chinese flavours. Basically Indian Chinese cuisine is the adaption of Chinese seasoning using healthy cooking techniques to suit Indian tastes.
Cashew Chicken Manchurian style is an awesome, truly enticing stir fry dish where the batter coated chicken is nicely air fried first in the Philips airfryer, an excellent modern technology to avoid deep frying foods, and... Read More..
About Recipe
Kodi vepudu, varuval, Muragira mansa Bhaja |
Cashew Chicken Manchurian style is an awesome, truly enticing stir fry dish where the batter coated chicken is nicely air fried first in the Philips airfryer, an excellent modern technology to avoid deep frying foods, and then is stir-fried in a non-stick pan with a medley of exotic veggies and a spicy, sweet and tangy slurry. Cashew Chicken Manchurian is a brilliant fusion snack blending of Indian and Chinese flavours. Basically Indian Chinese cuisine is the adaption of Chinese seasoning using healthy cooking techniques to suit Indian tastes. This recipe is also a healthy snack using Chinese seasoning which are infused in the batter fried chicken and mixed with lots of fried cashew nuts to give a fantastic crunchy feel on bite.
The variety of spices and their combination used can be adjusted according to your taste. Indian make a variety of Manchurian dishes with chicken, mixed vegetables, baby corn, cauliflower, meal maker etc. Chicken Manchurian is one of the most liked and very famous dish from Chinese cuisine. It is prepared in variety of ways with different meats either chicken, prawns or beef.
Chicken Manchurian is easy to prepare and tasty. It can be eaten as a dry snack. This recipe will surely be liked by the kids and would ask for more. It’s also a perfect snack, tangy in taste, flavourful and yummy to eat. The combination of flavours right from the garlic, ginger and spices like hot chilli paste, pepper gives a blowing punch to the dish. Do try this fantastic air fried Cashew Chicken Manchurian which is absolutely a finger-licking dish.
Recipe of Cashew Chicken Manchurian:
Chicken pieces, boneless - 250 gms
Salt - to taste
Pepper - 1 tsp
Egg - 1 no
All-purpose flour - 2 tbsp
Corn-starch - 1 tbsp
Oil - 1 tbsp
Cashew nuts - 6 -8 nos
Garlic, finely chopped - ½ tsp
Ginger, finely chopped - ½ tsp
Onions, finely chopped - 1 no
Green chillies - 2-3 nos
MSG - pinch
Soya sauce - 1 tsp
Chilli paste - 1 tsp
Sugar - pinch
Water - as required
Spring Onions, finely chopped - 1 tbsp
To try more amazing, nutritious and mouth-watering Chicken recipes, you could also reach me at my website at:
Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Terery fu Posted on Sun Sep 21 2014
I've literally never seen a proper chef use MSG, let alone a well respected one like VahChef...?
Reply 0 - Repliesflatleythebard Posted on Mon Sep 22 2014
So the air fryer is really a fan assisted oven??
Reply 0 - RepliesAmFilms123 Posted on Mon Aug 17 2015
Chef, when you say brine, can we use normal iodized salt or sea salt? I couldn't find kosher salt.?
Reply 0 - RepliesBasir Babar Posted on Thu Jun 30 2016
technology is good, but I still prefer the old fashion way.?
Reply 0 - RepliesManoj Posted on Sat Feb 07 2015
I used to like this site a lot until it became an advertising portal for Philips Airfryer. I don't think I will ever return.
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MrMonkeyfizz Posted on Sun Sep 21 2014
First sexy?
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