A delicious sweet recipe with a unique style of serving can make anyone go gaga....
Gavvalu means shells and this sweet is shell shaped traditional sweet made in Andhra Prad...
Pureed fresh mango gives this cheesecake a light and soft texture and subtle. Bake cake u...
A soothing light dessert made with the richness of fruits with a flavor of mouth-melting ...
Kaja sweet is a traditional Andhra sweet dish and it famous in Kakinada, prepared with ma...
Quick Mango Fool is a simple dessert that can be made in minutes. Fresh mangoes are puree...
Banana Pie is one of the yummiest things on earth and this is a great one.Learn the recipe of Banana Pie by vahchef.
This dreamy dessert has a wonderful banana flavor. It looks so pretty, and it cuts easily, too
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