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Spicy crumb fried beans is a brilliant way of making spicy batter coated fried beans in an airfryer that gives you a crispy snack to eat.
The fresh tender beans coated with spicy flour, egg and bread crumb coating and then air fried to perfection. This snack goes very well with any choice of sauce you wish to eat with. You could also use a variety of veggies like eggplants, okra, pickled cucumbers to prepare this same type of dish.
Easy Beans Fry Spicy Crumb Fried Beans is a very simple, fast to prepare, hassle-free, takes just about 7 minutes to cook the beans with hardly any oil. There is a my... Read More..
About Recipe
Easy Beans Fry Spicy Crumb Fried Beans is a very simple, fast to prepare, hassle-free, takes just about 7 minutes to cook the beans with hardly any oil. There is a myth that if excess oil is used in cooking, the dish would taste extremely delicious which actually is a wrong belief. You could also make yummy and finger-licking dishes using very little oil or no oil.
Spicy crumb fried beans is a brilliant way of making spicy battered coated fried beans in an airfryer that gives you a crispy snack to eat. The fresh tender beans coated with spicy flour, egg and bread crumb coating and then air fried to perfection. This snack goes very well with any choice of sauce you wish to eat with. You could also use a variety of veggies like eggplants, okra, pickled cucumbers to prepare this same type of dish.
Whenever you plan to cook beans, always use firm and crisp beans. They should make an audible cracking sound when broken. Beans are generally cooked as a side dish or added in soups, pulaos, casseroles etc. The best way to cook green beans is to add them to stir fries and curries. Steaming the green beans is also the healthiest way to cook. Over the years, green beans have become popular and are eaten in a wide variety of places.
They are highly beneficial to the body due to their abundant nutritional values. Few interesting facts about green beans are They are rich in fiber and low in calories. They are good sources of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. They are rich in various nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, K, manganese, iron, potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium and thiamin. They are packed with dietary fiber which is beneficial for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Beans are also the ideal food during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to their high iron content.
Recipe of Easy Beans Fry:
Beans - 250 gms
Flour (for crumbing) - ½ cup
Garam masala - ½ tsp
Chilli pwd - 2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Egg - 2 no
Bread (crumbs for crumbing) - ½ cup
Tender, flexible and fresh green beans are a delight to most vegetarian lovers mainly for its wholesome nutritional qualities. They can be cooked in many ways. Boiling, steaming, or microwaving is popular ways to prepare fresh green beans. Stir-frying preserves the best qualities of the fresh green bean. Do try preparing this recipe and delight your palate with different variations.
You could always reach me at my website for more amazing nutritious and enticing Green Beans recipes at:
Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Leigh Naz Posted on Tue Aug 19 2014
you should do amazon affiliate links for items & appliances you show us?
Reply 0 - RepliesDinoHunter56 Posted on Thu Aug 21 2014
Your lack of professionalism is stunning chef. This is supposed to be an instructional video. Then at the end you always do something stupid like bite into food that is too hot. Double dip or talk with your mouth full. We don't need to see that.?
Reply 0 - RepliesSyed yasser Posted on Fri Aug 22 2014
Hi Chef I request you to cook these things with Airfryer.1-Bajji (Banana,Onion,capsicum,Potato,Chilli)2-Bonda3-Vada (Medu,Moong dal,Sabudana,Keerai)4-Masala Vada5-Pakoda6-Murukku (Mullu,Thenkuzhal,Omapodi,Ragi)Thanks?
Reply 0 - Repliesradika suman Posted on Mon Aug 25 2014
Instat of beans can we use carrot r babycorn ?
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Ramya Ramey Posted on Tue Aug 19 2014
please do give us the recipe of the above sauce..tht looks real yummy too..ty..?
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