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Pepper Rasam is very popular in South India. It tastes great with hot steamed rice and a teaspoon of ghee. This is also best option to have with hot rice to relieve from cold.
Pepper Rasam is commonly known as Milagu rasam which is one of the most liked rasam varieties prepared... Read More..
About Recipe
Mustard seeds pulusu, Mustard seeds kulambu, Mustard seeds thok |
Pepper Rasam is commonly known as Milagu rasam which is one of the most liked rasam varieties prepared in most South Indian homes especially Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This is a very simple and delicious dish made with Dal water spiced with freshly crushed pepper corns that offers an awesome zest to the pepper water, garnished with freshly chopped coriander leaves. Rasam is a traditional dish and is more like a soup. It is prepared from the pulp of tamarind or tomatoes.
You can prepare a wide variety of rasam that includes tomato rasam, lemon rasam, tamarind rasam, pineapple rasam, mango rasam, pepper rasam etc. Often the rasam is added with lentil stock which adds a nice nutty flavor and makes it nutritious to eat. It is often said that rasam is a byproduct that evoked from Sambar and is prepared on a daily basis in every South Indian house. Rasam is also popularly called as charu in Andhra Pradesh and Saaru in Karnataka.
The Pepper Rasam having a very thin consistency like soup has got good digestive values and good remedy to clear flatulence. It is a very simple and easy to prepare dish. It is also otherwise known as “Indian clarified herbal consommé”. Every South Indian home relish and enjoy the dish. Rasam is a main part of the meal and a perfect rasam is prepared with the main flavors which include the garlic, fresh pepper corns, curry leaves and hing that enhances the taste of the rasam.
The rasam is never said no whether lunch or dinner and also has enormous health benefits in the dish. Pepper Rasam or Pepper Water, a popular dish among Anglo-Indians is considered the best homemade remedy soup to get relief from a severe cold or running nose problem it has a long rich history in Ayurvedic medicine where it is valued for its natural healing properties. It also has anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that help heal various ailments from a common cold to cancer. Here below do watch the making of this awesome Pepper Rasam and try preparing to please your family with nutritious food.
Recipe of Pepper Rasam:
Water of Dal - 1 cup
Garlic - 5 nos
Cumin seeds - 10 gms
Pepper corns - 10 gms
Tamarind juice - ½ cup
Hing - pinch
Turmeric pd - ¼ tsp
Curry leaves - 2 sprigs
Red chillies, dry - 3 nos
Mustard seeds - ½ tsp
Oil - 1 tbsp
Coriander leaves - 1 bunch
Coconut (grated) - 1 tbsp
Salt - to taste
Sugar - ½ tsp
Normally in most South Indian wedding ceremonies, the rasam is served towards the end after serving the sambar as the tamarind juice in the rasam has good nutritional value and health benefits. The tamarind promotes a healthy heart by lowering cholesterol, good source of antioxidants that fight against cancer, helps to digest food, used to treat bile disorders. Black pepper also helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas, promotes urination, and promotes sweating.
It is full of manganese, and it also has a good amount of iron and dietary fiber, as well. The garlic used in the rasam is good for digestion problems. It has properties as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and also acts as a blood purifier. This condiment is often paired with onion, tomato or ginger. The pungent, spicy flavour of the garlic mellows and sweetens with cooking! The freshly coconut grated too gives a pleasant sweetness to the soup. You could also watch out for many more rasam varieties at: You could also reach me at my other below links:
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
Amanda Rossouw Posted on Mon Jun 17 2013
looks like vegetarian chicken soup for colds and flue,
Reply 0 - RepliesShining Waters Posted on Mon Jun 17 2013
Thanks. My grandma who lived in Trichi used to make this.
Reply 0 - RepliesDon Holtz Posted on Tue Jun 18 2013
Vahchef... please use the video description field to write some useful information that describes and differentiates all of your videos. Currently all of your descriptions are identical and, I'm sorry to say, useless.
Reply 0 - RepliesVamsi Krishna Posted on Fri Sep 27 2013
superb rasam...but plz tell me that ingredients? how much quantity we must take...
Reply 0 - RepliesA K Rajagopalan Posted on Wed Nov 13 2013
Super speciality milagu rasam, my wife prepares now as per your guidance.Thank you,?
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Nagarjuna P Posted on Mon Jun 17 2013
Good easy one, my mom used to make. Thanks for posting
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