This is kids favorite recipe, Mango crepe is delicious mango stuffing, garnished with car...
This is simple and instant sweet dumpling recipe prepared for festive occasions like Ugad...
Fruitcake is a cake made with chopped dried fruit, nuts, and spices. It is a heavy, dense...
Panna cotta is an Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatine and moulded....
Kaju Katli is a rich and very popular sweet that you can gift for your friends and relati...
These sweet wontons originate from the Cantonese region, and traditionally stuffed with d...
Kaja is a traditional Andhra sweet dish and it famous in Kakinada, made with maida and sugar.
About Recipe
Godhumalu methai, Godhumai inippu, Gom Misti |
Janaki Tekkali Posted on Mon May 16 2016
Very nice?
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