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Eggless Dry Fruit Cake is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Dessert. Eggless fruit and nuts cake is very pleasing in taste and is liked by almost everyone.
Cakes are a vital part for most of the celebrations, birthday parties, baby shower, weddings or Christmas festival. It's an all-time favorite amongst people of every age group but becomes a little difficult for people who are vegetarians, who don't eat eggs or those people who are allergic to eggs. Eggless sponge cake is one such cake that is a blessing for them and can similarly enjoy eating yummy eggless cakes and enjoy it like others... Read More..
About Recipe
Pala methai, Pal inippu, Dudha Misti |
Cakes are a vital part for most of the celebrations, birthday parties, baby shower, weddings or Christmas festival. It's an all-time favorite amongst people of every age group but becomes a little difficult for people who are vegetarians, who don't eat eggs or those people who are allergic to eggs. Eggless sponge cake is one such cake that is a blessing for them and can similarly enjoy eating yummy eggless cakes and enjoy it like others do. The eggless sponge cake sheets can be used to make numerous different types of cakes.
Generally, eggs are usually added after whisking that helps to inculcate air into it to cause a fluffy and provides spongy nature to the cake. Additionally, it boosts both taste and texture that assist in raising the cake, but vegetarians don't worry because there are a variety of egg substitutes where they are able to use condensed milk or any egg substitute powder. Even though eggs are an essential ingredient to produce sponge cakes, it can also be made without eggs.
As suggested by its name the eggless sponge cake is made without eggs and it is very spongy, if you press the crust it springs back. Its spongy texture is used in making gateaux, pastries in which the cake soaks the fruit juices and helps to make the dessert extremely soft to eat. The sponge texture is accomplished by making the mixture properly aerated which can be accomplished by beating but simultaneously over beating can also spoil the cake.
Eggless sponge cake is a versatile cake by itself or also is a base for several fillings such as the Black forest cake, pineapple pastries, chocolate pastries etc. This cake is used for making numerous desserts and therefore has its own importance.
Mita Majumdar Posted on Tue Mar 24 2015
Can you please make some dessert with gulkhand??
Reply 0 - RepliesNirzari Mehta Posted on Mon Sep 21 2015
if my oven is small in size than what i see in vidio, should i reduce the time and temperature while making cake?pl guide?
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Mon Mar 23 2015
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