This easy to prepare pancakes has a unique sweetness basically comes from sweet potato na...
This is the easiest and best-eaten egg Biryani which is simple to make and delicious to e...
Steamed egg bendi pulusu is a simple recipe of okra cooked in tamarind sauce where the fl...
Egg Korma is a tongue tantilizing dish. Boiled eggs are served with the korma curry. ...
This is very colourful, flavourful and delicious pie recipe. ...
This simple and spicy egg curry is an excellent in taste and served with roti, pulka or r...
Its a kerala main course dish. Its generally prepared by the people of south of kerala.Its authentic name is Mutta(Egg) Avial.
Its different from egg curry, because by adding veggies to it, gives a mixed flavour of veggies as well as the egg. Sometimes i also prepare it with tomato instead of tamarind pulp. It still tastes equally good but differently, since tanginess of tomato and sourness of tamarind is different. Yet to try with curd ...not sure if curd goes well with the egg and veggie mixture!!
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