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Corn and tomato soup offer an awesome combination of flavourful oregano, pepper in the traditional corn and tomato soup.
Tomato soup is delicious any time of the year, for lunch or even for dinner, for every age group. If fresh tomatoes are not available, then tomato soup can be made from canned tomatoes. The homemade tomato soup contains a rich, natural tomato flavor and smooth texture.
A sizzling bowl of tomato soup is truly one of life’s simple pleasures. The point that this food is really easy to make with such great outcomes is... Read More..
About Recipe
Jonnalu Mokka Jonna pulusu, Makkacholam Ponthi Cholam Cholam kulambu, Bhutta thok |
Tomato soup is delicious any time of the year, for lunch or even for dinner, for every age group. If fresh tomatoes are not available, then tomato soup can be made from canned tomatoes. The homemade tomato soup contains a rich, natural tomato flavor and smooth texture.
A sizzling bowl of tomato soup is truly one of life’s simple pleasures. The point that this food is really easy to make with such great outcomes is an additional benefit. The soup appears best with fresh tomatoes simply because they have the ideal flavor.
Tomatoes not just taste wonderful but they are highly nutritious and a wonderful addition for anybody's diet. An added step of roasting these tomatoes provides a completely new level of flavor to the traditional tomato soup. One can possibly enjoy this soup for lunch with a delicious salad, or simply as an entree with the addition of protein in it with avocado crème or Cashew Cheese.
Gazpacho is actually a tomato soup of Spanish origin, offered cold. It originates around Andalucía in the southern area of Spain. Gazpacho is commonly consumed in Spanish delicacies, along with Portugal, where it's called gaspacho. Gazpacho is generally consumed during the summer season, due to the refreshing characteristics and cold serving temperature. A lot of variants of gazpacho exist.
Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces in a container which could easily fit in the pressure cooker. Add some spices cinnamon stick, bay leaf, cloves, star anise and pepper to the tomatoes. Also add ginger and garlic. Include a small amount of beetroot, coriander stems and 1 cup water. pressure cook altogether approximately 4 whistles. however, it is possible to cook them on stovetop for not more than 10-12 minutes or also microwave them at quite high for approximately 6 minutes. you can add fried bread crumps or small meatballs for additional taste.
Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Tue Feb 24 2015
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