Lauki kheer with custard recipe is a yummy delicious and creamy sweet pudding that is mad...
A soothing light dessert made with the richness of fruits with a flavor of mouth-melting ...
Eggless caramel custard, a good alternative for those who hate drinking plain milk. It is...
Kajjikayalu is a sweet dessert and also can be eaten anytime of the day. It is prepared u...
Indian sweet Purnam Burelu is made of Chana dal, Jaggery, Cardamom powder being the flavo...
A delicious sweet recipe with a unique style of serving can make anyone go gaga....
Souffles have a reputation for being temperamental, but they're actually very simple. Learn the recipe of Chocolate Souffle by vahchef.
Using a few staple ingredients, you can whip up a dessert that's guaranteed to impress at a dinner party yet easy enough for a casual supper.
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