Ridge gourd chutney is a healthy, tasty side dish for idli and dosa....
Pan fried corn cakes are made into patties and deep fried. Served with garlic sauce to re...
Pesarattu is telugu people breakfast preparation with moog green dal, Pesarattu, Pesara...
Chicken roulade with bacon and potato and tomato salad. Chicken roulade stuffed with quin...
This simple to make vada with the natural sweetness of apple can be served even as Prasha...
Peanut Chutney Powder recipe is a perfect blend of roasted peanuts, garlic cloves, and ch...
How to makeCarrot Payasam with cashews?How to cookCarrot Payasam with cashews?Learn the recipeCarrot Payasam with cashewsby vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com
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