Spicy Cashew Chicken stir-fry is an exotic dish that is truly enticing. A medley of exoti...
Pavakkai Pitlai With Sambhar Powder is Bitter melon sambar popular prepared in the interi...
Paneer Kali Mirch is a deliciously spicy recipe which will be a definite hit with spice l...
Bhuna masala is a basic simple masala made with red chilies, garam masala, and garlic tha...
Muga Gathi or Mugachya Gathi is a traditional dish of Goa, is a coconut curry dish made w...
Spinach cooked with Indian cheese. Palak Paneer is a popular vegetarian delicacy made of ...
The Beetroot Puri is an attractive breakfast and snack recipe with fabulous flavors and beautiful colors.
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