Satay peanut sauce in a blend of peanut crushed and added with shrimp paste spiced with c...
Tamarind chutney recipe is a popularly known as saunth chutney or sonth chutney in north ...
Usiri Karam podi is an excellent spice mix powder mixed with rice and ghee. ...
Lip snacking spicy chutney made out of tomatoes and red chilies and best served with idly...
Ginger pickle/ Allam pachadi is a very popular spicy pickle from the Andhra cuisine. Ging...
Walnut chutney is a quintessential relish from Kashmir. Walnut Chutney is ideal to have ...
This is an easy, healthy broken wheat upma to incorporate in your regular diet, this is can be best eaten with Beetroot Chutney.
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