Moong dal ka bhajiya is a snack recipe. When you don't want to have something as heavy as...
Pappu charu recipe is a simple traditional andhra recipe like the sambar but made without...
Bachali pappu is an easy Indian food recipe, goes well with rice and roti....
Keema channa dal is a yummy and spicy dish. Keema or minced meat cooked with channa dal i...
A tasty kichidi made with healthy jowar, this one-dish meal is also quite exotic due to ...
Crispy and delicious bitter gourd masala vadas recipe is the best way to include the good...
Bangalore brinjal dal is a humble and popular dish widely prepared in southern India. Bangalore brinjal is rich in Vitamin C and potassium.
About Recipe
Vankaya Sannvankaya pappu, Kathirikai paruppu, Begun Daal |
Hasitha Prabhat Posted on Sat Dec 19 2015
By the way i like all your videos and i wouldn't miss any of your videos... :)?
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Hasitha Prabhat Posted on Sat Dec 19 2015
Hi Ragini ji, as you know that green vegetable is called as CHOCO based in Australia unsure of the availability in USA, but for sure it isn't called as Bangalore Brinjal. Just wanted to share this info so that people might not be mislead. Thank y
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