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Spicy Pulao with stir fry Brinjals is an amazing rice dish preparation commonly known as Vangi masala bhath made with eggplant/ brinjal added to basmati rice with aromatic masala playing the key role .
Spicy Pulao with Stir fry Brinjals is one of the yummiest rice preparations, very flavourful, aromatic and easy to prepare dish. This appetizing dish is made with the long thin variety of brinjals, tempered with mustard seeds, spiced with Read More..
About Recipe
Vankaya Sannvankaya annam, Kathirikai sooru, Begun chal |
Spicy Pulao with Stir fry Brinjals is one of the yummiest rice preparations, very flavourful, aromatic and easy to prepare dish. This appetizing dish is made with the long thin variety of brinjals, tempered with mustard seeds, spiced with green chillies and added with a special combo of aromatic masala which actually enhances the taste and is the main flavouring agent to this dish. The spicy pulao with stir fry brinjals is one such rice preparation that even the brinjal hating kiddo’s would love to grab more for that kick of spice hitting their palates. Brinjal is a prized possession in most south Indian homes. It is one of most affordable and favourite vegetable to many of us cooked in any form.
The beauty of this vegetable is its attractive vibrant purple colour, shine and the taste as its blends well and absorbs the spices within to make it more delectable and pleasing. This pulao is spicy rice dish made by tempering the brinjals with mustard seeds, cumin seeds, cashew nuts, green chillies, salt and sautéed with the special masala made with garam masala (whole) consisting of dry red chillies, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, dry coconut, black peppercorns ground to a dry powder and finally mixed with cooked rice to make a spicy and scrumptious dish.
It is very tasty as well as complete meal in itself. Everybody has their own spice mixture for this dish. Indian cuisine is popularized for its use for various spice powders and especially south India has a number of aromatic freshly ground spice mix powders that are added to an array of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. These masala powders or spice mix powders are also so versatile that they are added to cooked rice to make a selection of mouth-watering rice preparations.
Some of the few popular dishes made with spice mix powders are:
Vangi Bhath Bisi Bele Bhath Masala Bhath Spicy Sambhar Fried Rice Brinjal There are a variety of brinjals/ eggplants available in the market having different shapes and colour such as green, purple and shapes are round, oval, pear shaped, long, thin, short or fat. Technically brinjals is not a vegetable but considered a fruit. Brinjals when fresh have a firm, fresh, smooth and shiny texture. They are generally classified by the shape of their fruit. There are five basic groups—globe, elongated or cylindrical, egg-shaped, specialty and pea eggplants. Each category offers a choice of eggplants in varying colours, and sizes.
Cooking With Eggplants Brinjal/Eggplant is a versatile vegetable and can be prepared in a variety of ways. It tastes extremely good when grilled, stuffed, roasted, sautéed, pureed or served in soups or stews. They can also be used to make curries, stir-fries and kebabs. Brinjal when cooked absorbs the flavours of the gravy very well and adds a rich texture and taste to the dish. Nowadays eggplants are appreciated for their delightful flavours. It is one of the essential ingredients in some of the most popular delicacies prepared around the world. Brinjal is the essence of Greek Moussaka, Baba ganoush from Middle Eastern countries and Gutti Vankaya koora from India.
Naturally low in calories, fat and sodium, eggplant is also high in fiber and an excellent source of potassium, as well as folic acid, copper, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and magnesium. If you want to keep calories and fat low, avoid cooking eggplant in oil. Instead use a broth, wine, or vegetable juice for flavouring Rice There are umpteen number of Rice varieties that are often used to suit local culinary tastes.
Basmati is one of the most well known varieties of Indian rice that is recommended for Indian food especially for making the Biryanis, Pulaos or Fried Rice preparations. It is grown in India and Pakistan in the Himalayan foothills, where it is thought to have originated and is known as “the prince of rices”. It is very long and slender grained and, unless it is overcooked, should not be sticky, but fluffy with separated grains. It is aromatic and has a distinctive delicate fragrance (in Sanskrit it means ‘the fragrant one”) and a nutty flavour. Rice is also categorized by the length of its grain, as long-grain, medium-grain, and short-grain. Long-grain rice, such as basmati and jasmine, is less sticky and fluffier when cooked, and ideal for preparing flavoured rice dishes such as Shahi pulao, Zafrani pulao, Vegetable pulao, Andhra Chicken pulao etc.
Medium-grain rice is more sticky and chewy, while the shorter varieties, such as the Italian arborio, are extremely sticky and chewy, and good for dishes like the Indian Khichdi (pongal) and Italian risotto and gruels like ganji or conji. The various kinds of rice form the staple food for about half of the world’s population. It is eaten extensively all over the South and East of Asia as well as in Africa, Middle East, Latin America and the West Indies.
How to make Spicy Pulao with Stir fry Brinjals:
Directions: Take a pan, add whole garam masala, poppy seeds, red chillies, pepper corns, sesame seeds, dry coconut, coriander seeds and dry roast on slow flame till they give a nice aroma. Blend all these ingredients to make a powder and keep aside. Heat ghee in a pan and add mustard seeds, when they splutter, add cumin seeds, cashew nuts, green chillies slit, and fry till cashew nut turn slightly brown. Add egg plant pieces, salt, pinch of turmeric and masala powder and mix well. Finally add cooked rice and toss all ingredients well so that the rice is nicely combined with all the masala mixture. Switch off the flame and serve hot. I am sure; you may actually not remember when you eat eggplant the last time. Then why not be creative and try this wonderful spicy pulao with stir fry brinjals which actually offers endless flavours and aroma, enticing and craving you to eat more.
Do try this recipe which will surely be a star recipe for your table. Watch the making of this dish and enjoy cooking.
Pinky Posted on Sat May 04 2013
Can you name all those garam masala that has been used
Reply 0 - Repliesswat4hire Posted on Sat May 04 2013
please make more vids on how to make chicken better, like Tikka and Kormas? And especially the one dessert that are little pastry balls with cheese in tue middle with a honey sauce it sits in? Our local indian restaraunt is outstanding, though pricey
Reply 0 - RepliesK KB Posted on Sun May 05 2013
cinnamon, cloves, cardomman, bay leaves, aniseed. not sure what the bushy-looking thing was
Reply 0 - RepliesK Sirisha Posted on Mon May 06 2013
it is lichen a type of fungus also called as kalpasi
Reply 0 - RepliesEezee Listen Posted on Mon May 06 2013
please support chef and visit his website for all recipes and ingredients/measurements.
Reply 0 - Repliesgallant7 Posted on Mon May 06 2013
You will find all of these in your local indian grocery store.
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Ayesha Kazmi Posted on Sat May 04 2013
First to view after Chef Sanjay :P
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