Methi Chicken is one of the most famous and delicious dishes from the Hyderabadi cuisine....
Parwal Nu Shaak-A typical Gujarati Vegetable dish with perfect blend of spices and flavor...
Shrimp Mustard sauce or Mustard prawns is a very flavourful dish. Prawns cooked in a spic...
This simple mutton fry with the rich flavor of cashew nuts is amazing in taste to serve y...
This paste is used in many mughlai and and south Indian gravies. ...
This is typical south indian everyday subzi. Soaked chana dal and shredded cabbage...
Yam Masiyal known for its mashyness is cooked along with boiled toovar dal. It has the flavor of coconut oil and lemon. A very soft dish eaten with rice.
About Recipe
queen bee Posted on Sat Oct 18 2014
Made it today,nd it was excellent.?
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