Chicken lettuce wraps are a popular item on restaurant menus and it can be easily prepare...
This is a mixed beans stew combination of dal and carrots and it is highly nutritional. I...
This is a simple maharashtrian peanut curry that is made on fasting days during navratri....
This recipe of kofta is a healthy twist to the traditionally deep fried kofta. Served wi...
Peppery Plantain is a fantastic and healthy side dish made combining raw green plantain a...
This is the Famous Indian poori combination curry. It was delicious and tasty curry. ...
Tindora can be eaten raw and are a lot crunchier than cucumbers. This is a spicy Maharashtrian curry served with roti.
About Recipe
Dondakai koora, Kovaikai Kuzhambu, Tindora torkari |