This very tasty combination of radish and coconut made into a chutney goes very well with...
Gunpowder or Milaga podi is made with a perfect blend of spices using the red chilies, ur...
Ridge gourd tomato chutney is very tasty and delicious chutney which is made with ridge g...
Tomato and Mint Chutney is a delicious side dish recipe made with tomatoes, mint leave....
Pesto is a sauce originating in Genoa in the Liguria region of northern Italy and traditi...
Achari baingan is one of the most delicious method of cooking brinjals which gives a nice...
Andhra Pradesh cuisine has mutton pickles. If you have it once and you will want to have it again and again.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Tue Apr 10 2012
Seems quite delecious.How many days we can keep this and can we prepare without cooking it in pressure?
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vahuser Posted on Fri Sep 07 2012
any alternative for vinegar. and how can can this pickle be stores
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