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Shahi tukda is a quick and easy bread pudding dessert of fried bread slices soaked in rabri. The dish has its roots in Mughlai cuisine. Shahi means royal, the dish gives rich taste.
Shahi Tukda or Shahi tukray or Shahi Tukda are nearly identical way of cooking with small modifications and are a popular Indian sweet. This dessert has their own origin from Pakistani delicacies and it is a well-known delicacy in Mughlai cuisine. Because of its wide attractiveness in India, the dish all together composing of some of these cream-topped bread pieces, is recognized as Indian Bread Pudding. It's offered for special events like we... Read More..
About Recipe
Bred pakodi, BREAD , Pauruti samuka |
Shahi Tukda or Shahi tukray or Shahi Tukda are nearly identical way of cooking with small modifications and are a popular Indian sweet. This dessert has their own origin from Pakistani delicacies and it is a well-known delicacy in Mughlai cuisine. Because of its wide attractiveness in India, the dish all together composing of some of these cream-topped bread pieces, is recognized as Indian Bread Pudding. It's offered for special events like wedding, festivals like Diwali and primarily made out of bread and thickened milk.
Shahi Tukda is a sweet with roots in India's Islamic tradition. White bread is deep-fried after which drowned in rabdi, or condensed milk implanted with cardamom. The milk soaks in to the bread, developing a ravishing sweet experience that you won't wish to skip.Shahi Tukda is a recipe of Mughal origin and it's also considered to have been invented in Pakistan, even though it's very preferred in India too. Etymologically the term Shahi Tukda can be split up into two words- Shahi which means “Royal”, and Tukda indicating “Piece”- which provides it the actual name of Royal Piece in English. The recipe can also be considered to have been invented beyond a method to consume unused bread in the 19th century Mughal dishes.
Shahi Tukra is an easy recipe to make as well as an outstanding delicacy for situations when you're in a rush. A dish which had been well appreciated by the Kings as well as their ascendants. Shahi Tukra is made by frying the bread pieces in oil after which dipped in sweetened milk and garnishes with nuts and cardamom powder. The standard variation consists of soaking the fried bread pieces initially in a rose/saffron-flavored sugar syrup, pouring the rabdi or sweet milk over it after which garnishing it with edible silver foil and dry fruits.
The Shahi Tukra may also be made immediately by using condensed milk in place of the sweetened fresh rabdi. Shahi Tukra is a bit similar to the double ka meetha, a trendy Hyderabad delicacy of fried bread slices soaked in hot milk with spices and garnished with khoya and nuts.
Nowadays, the Shahi Tukra or double ka meetha is becoming linked to the celebration and belongs to the Eid Al Adha or Bakrid menu. Shahi Tukra together with biryani is prepared and provided to the friends and neighbors. Customarily the Shahi Tukra or Double ka meetha means milk bread known as "Double ki Roti" in the local language mainly because it increases up to nearly twice from its initial size after baking. The crust from the bread is taken off and also the pieces are cut into triangles.
For preparing this royal Shahi Tukra delicacy, first of all heat the milk and sugar stirring constantly. Include little ghee to avoid the milk from over flowing. Lessen the milk to half the initial quantity. Cook the milk. Add dry fruits and cardamom powder to boost the flavor and taste. On the other hand, fry the bread slices in ghee till golden color and keep to one side. Dip the fried bread pieces one after the other in the flavored milk and offer in a serving dish garnished with dry fruits. Serve cool. Shahi Tukra is a rich, unique full of dry fruits that makes it healthy and yummy too.
Arif Shaik Posted on Mon Jul 06 2015
Please make jhoot tukda aswell?
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