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Gavar Bhoplyachi Bhaaji is a very simple and ea... Read More..
About Recipe
Gummadi kayi koora, Purangikkai Kuzhambu, Kumra torkari |
Gavar Bhoplyachi Bhaaji is a very simple and easy to make dish. It tastes delicious with chapatti, roti or bhakri. This is an excellent and popular vegetarian dish made with tender cluster beans and pumpkin pieces spiced and cooked together with some authentic Maharashtrian spices. Gavar Bhoplyachi bhaaji, also called as Gavar ani Bhoplya chi bhaaji is generally prepared during death ceremonies in Maharashtra region hence its cooked with very minimal ingredients (onions, garlic are not used) and simple to prepare.
This dish can also be cooked on any other day as they both, cluster beans or gavar phalli and bhopla or orange pumpkin is amazing vegetables that complement each other. This dish has a nice sweet spicy taste. The popular Maharashtrian spice, goda masala gives an amazing flavour to the dish and enhances the taste. In India, gavar phalli or green cluster beans are commonly used in various vegetable curries and lentil dals. Gavar beans have a slightly bitter taste unlike the regular green beans, hence to down the bitterness, freshly grated coconut, jaggery or tomatoes are used.
The sweetness from the coconut or jaggery balances well and helps in reducing the bitterness to a great extent. Cluster beans is a rich source of protein and fiber and have a unique taste of its own when cooked. Cluster beans are commonly called by various names according to the region, goruchikkudukaya in Andhra Pradesh, kothavarangai in Tamil Nadu, gavaar in Maharashtra, and gorikaye in Karnataka States of India. Cluster beans are flatter in size and smaller than regular green beans. It is commonly grown and cultivated in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra in India.
The other interesting ingredient in this recipe is the Bhopla or butternut squash which is a pear shaped winter fruit that belongs to the gourd family. Although other members of the squash family date back to ancient Egypt, butternut squash was first cultivated in 1944. Butternut squash have beige skin and orange flesh. The skin of the squash is very thin, and the internal seed cavity is small. This means that the butternut squash yields more edible flesh than other varieties of squash.
Bhopla or butternut squash is used in various recipes for its mild flavours and texture which help to absorb other flavours that it is cooked with. Some of my favourite sweet pumpkin recipes are Pumpkin Masala, pumpkin chilly curry, sweet pumpkin curry, pumpkin halwa with apple, pumpkin pudding etc. This squash has a smooth texture, free of strings and graininess hence goes well with soups and stews to add starchy hardiness to the dish. Pureed butternut squash also substitutes well for pumpkin in muffins, pies, breads and other sweet recipes.
To prepare this delicious mildly spiced Gavar Bhoplyachi bhaaji, firstly heat oil in a hot pan and when the oil get hot, add mustard seeds.
When mustard seeds start crackling, add cumin seeds, chopped green chillies, and curry leaves. Reduce the flame and add hing, turmeric, red chilli powder, and goda masala.
Mix the spices and then add pumpkin, cut into small pieces, and pre-cooked cluster beans and sauté the ingredients thoroughly.
Add water, salt to taste. Mix and cover the pan with a lid and cook the veggies for about 10-12 mins until the pumpkin becomes soft and tender.
After 10 minutes, add jaggery, freshly ground coconut paste and stir gently. Cover and simmer for few minutes. After few minutes, remove the lid and sprinkle some chopped coriander leaves and switch off the flame.
Serve with roti or rice
Tip - If the cluster beans are tough, pre-cook as use or else you can also add raw beans and cook. This recipe is exceptionally good as its rich in protein and fibre. Cluster Beans have also been shown to be useful in weight loss and diabetes treatment.
The fibre in Cluster Beans slows down the digestion of a meal which lowers the glycaemic index of the meal while Butternut squash is loaded with a number of nutrients, an excellent source of vitamin A, and vitamin C. It also has many health benefits.
The deep, golden colour of the squash indicates that it is full of carotenes. This is a kind of an antioxidant which helps reduce the danger of occurrence of many cardiovascular diseases. It is extremely rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, a compound that helps prevent strokes and heart attacks in people suffering from coronary artery disease.
Being low in fat, butternut squash delivers an ample dose of dietary fibre making it an exceptionally heart-friendly choice. Fibre to the diet induces proper bowel movement and keeps the body away from digestive disorders like constipation.
The low content of fats in the food helps to maintain body weight. Do give recipe a try and acquire the benefits from this dish apart from its incredible taste and flavours.
Click below to the check the detailed recipe and making of Gavar Bhoplyachi bhaaji:
Enjoy Cooking!
Andoy Posted on Thu Sep 13 2012
I've never expected your recipes to be that political, chef ;-)
Reply 0 - RepliesElise Mariolis Posted on Thu Sep 13 2012
The death of corruption, Id eat to that. Also sanjay, be sure to invite your house when taxes die too!
Reply 0 - Repliesmveer d Posted on Thu Sep 13 2012
What kind of Guy I am? U are "Gurujee"!, Chef! :)
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Kim Jong-Un Posted on Thu Sep 13 2012
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