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Pav bhaji is undoubtedly an Indian street food very well liked in Mumbai but has slowly but surely gained its popularity all over India.
Pav Bhaji was invented in Mumbai in the 1850s. It's a spicy, buttery dish that reflects both the city’s multi-culturalism as well as its fast-moving lifestyle. It's the quintessential Mumbai meal. Street vendors invented it in the 1850s for the textile staffs in the city... Read More..
About Recipe
Bangaldumpa koora, Uralaikilangu Kuzhambu, Aloo torkari |
Pav bhaji is undoubtedly an Indian street food very well liked in Mumbai but has slowly but surely gained its popularity all over India.
Pav Bhaji was invented in Mumbai in the 1850s. It's a spicy, buttery dish that reflects both the city’s multi-culturalism as well as its fast-moving lifestyle. It's the quintessential Mumbai meal. Street vendors invented it in the 1850s for the textile staffs in the city. who were lacking enough time for lunch and who also did not want to have a heavy meal as working a physical job with an extra full stomach is difficult. An inventive vendor invented pav bhaji as the solution.
Very simple yet delicious combination of mashed veggies served with hot buns roasted using a large spread of butter. Have it for lunch, dinner or whenever in-between. There's no need to have a lot of at your home to put this together. just a couple of different amounts of vegetables and a few buns. You can always replace the regular pav, unsweetened Indian bread or bun, with any choice of bread or bun you are able to get your hands on.
How to make pav bhaji:
It is just a spicy mashed potato masala gravy with many different vegetables (known as "bhaji" in Mumbai) and combined using a special masala powder called Pav Bhaji masala powder, served with pav, an Indian bread.
Potato, tomato, capsicum, onion, and garlic would be the recommended vegetables. Any desirable veggie you can include to make it much more fantastic. The tangy tomatoes give this chat a pleasant red color and potatoes give a good amount of thickness to it.
Pav bhaji masala is one that provides taste and flavor to this recipe. So use some good top quality masala or a homemade one. You can also add some red chili powder if the spiciness out of your selected pav bhaji powder isn't sufficient. In respect to the desired consistency chosen, you can add water to the pav bhaji.
Ifailatlife1991 Posted on Mon Sep 10 2012
i love the stuff cooking in the oil or ghee looks so awesome
Reply 0 - Repliesleah mol Posted on Mon Sep 10 2012
simple cooking.I used to make this but without sugar and add little green chillies.
Reply 0 - RepliesMerisakhi Creations Posted on Mon Sep 10 2012
hahaha 4 paise de de baba made me crack!!!
Reply 0 - Repliesfaakknot Posted on Tue Sep 11 2012
Hello Vah chef!!!! Can I make this recipe without hing? I tried to use hing, but the smell made me almost hurl my cookies! How do I get past the nasty hing smell?
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Ma. Consolacion XiaoYlanan Posted on Mon Sep 10 2012
Omgosh I want to stuff my face with that!!!!!!! yummmmmmmmm =)
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