Eggless doughnuts offer a delicious, tempting dessert treat to all sweet lovers who are v...
Veggie momos perogies, are steamed dumplings, which makes everyone crave for more!!...
Grilled Corn Sandwich is a healthy and delicious recipe filled with creamy sweet corn gri...
Delicious puris in ajwain flavor in combination with raw banana curry makes this breakfas...
Maida burfi is a simple sweet that can be made easily and comes out tasty too. It is a So...
Warqi Paratha, commonly known as Warqi Paratha or layered paratha is an ideal combination...
Pasta dishes cook quickly and offer endless flavor possibilities. Learn the recipe of Pasta and Vegetable Toss by vahchef.
Vegetarians... this could be your next favorite pasta dish! Our incredibly delicious Vegetable Pasta Toss is so colorful and tasty, they may even ask for second servings.
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