Green peas and paneer dal is a north Indian based dish consisting of paneer and green pea...
PANEER TOMATO METHI BIRYANI: Indian cottage cheese cooked in onion tomato gravy and fenug...
Paneer nargisi kofta is snack recipe. It is very delicious and can be served with any chu...
Nutritious kabab is a vegetable kabab recipe with boiled kabuli chana, potatoes and sprou...
Paneer Chilli Recipe an innovative recipe with the traditional paneer is a combination of...
Stuffed Eggplant or Aubergine Stuffed Cottage Cheese is an awesome and yummy snack made w...
Nutritious kabab is a vegetable kabab recipe with boiled kabuli chana, potatoes and sprouts as the main ingredient. Relished with coriander and mint chutney.
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