A burrito, or taco de harina, is a type of Mexican food. It consists of a wheat flour tor...
Bottle gourd burfi or Lauki ki Lauj can be prepared on festivals or eaten as a fruit diet...
Aloo Lajawab is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Starter. ...
Peanut butter is whipped into the basic recipe for a moist banana bread with a hint of nu...
They generally consist of a cross-sectional ring of onion (the circular structure of whic...
This is a famous Kerala recipe. It is absolutely tasty and delicious baked Macaroni. ...
Boondi paneer and peanut samosa also popular as pocket samosa are very much loved by kids, adults infact everyone. These samosas are stuffed with roasted peanuts grated fresh paneer and crunchy boondi.
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