A great way to use up left-over rice or pulao and create an altogether new recipe. These ...
Oats cooked with a lot of vegetables make a nutritious khichdi, which is very helpful for...
Kokum is a Tropical fruit and dried kokum can replace the tamarind and pulihora prepared ...
Cheese corn and spinach pillows are attractive innovative and highly nutritious snacks st...
Nuvvula Laddu recipe or Nuvvula Unda is an easy to make sweet recipe using sesame seeds a...
The lauki curry along with ridge gourd is made with yogurt based stews or curries. ...
There is no set recipe for minestrone, since it is usually made out of whatever vegetables are in season. Learn the recipe of Minestrone by vahchef.
Hearty and nutritious, minestrone soup is a tasty crowd-pleaser and is super-easy to tweak according to the vegetables you have in the house.
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