A mouth-watering Pompfret masala fish stuffed with spices and cooked in a yummy and delic...
Kolambi Chi Kavaln is a traditional Maharastrian tangy shrimp curry originated along the ...
Soya Chunks is an excellent source of protein and has a lot of health benefits too.This g...
This recipe of kofta is a healthy twist to the traditionally deep fried kofta. Served wi...
Makeral fish massaged and stuffed with shallots, mango and Indian spices and shallow fry ...
Hariyali Gosht is a traditional mutton delicacy from the exquisite kitchen of Mughals, fa...
Mchuzi wa Biringani (Eggplant Curry) is a favorite of the Swahili people all along the coast of Eastern Africa. Learn the recipe of Mchuzi wa biringani (Eggplant curry) by vahchef.
The Swahili word for eggplant is Biringani, and Mchuzi wa Biringani (Eggplant Curry) is a favorite of the Swahili people all along the coast of Eastern Africa.
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