Pepper chicken dry can be eaten as starters or even served with any Indian bread. The tas...
Highly flavored chicken recipe with pepper and mint goes well in the winter season. This ...
Chilli Chicken is a dish made of chunks of boneless chicken mixed with dry red chilies, f...
Saoji chicken curry is a traditional food of Nagpur, Maharashtra. The cuisine also called...
Chicken karahi, also known as gosht karahi and kadai chicken is a Pakistani dish noted fo...
Lime chili chicken is a perfect barbecue dish. This ultimate dish provokes taste buds an ...
This buttermilk fried chicken recipe is crispy and flavorful, juicy and great for a picnic.
About Recipe
Kodi vepudu, varuval, Muragira mansa Bhaja |
shaymys armstrong Posted on Sun Mar 13 2016
Why are you so stupid. You never fry in a low flame, it absorbs the oil, and learn to use some proper English.?
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Farah Jamalii Posted on Fri Oct 02 2015
we can use any milk for it??
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