This dish has its origins in Hyderabad, India. Chicken Majestic is a dry chicken dish mar...
A simple way of making chicken Kung Pao ( Indo-Chinese Style) with a nice sauce....
Hyderabadi chicken biryani is a famous dish from the cuisines of India popular throughou...
Chicken Manchurian with green chilies is a delicious Chinese recipe served as a starter o...
Pesto chicken kabab is a very rich in taste pesto (basil) is equal to Indian tulsi in fla...
Baked chicken legs are smothered in a quick homemade barbeque sauce....
This buttermilk fried chicken recipe is crispy and flavorful, juicy and great for a picnic.
About Recipe
Kodi vepudu, varuval, Muragira mansa Bhaja |
shaymys armstrong Posted on Sun Mar 13 2016
Why are you so stupid. You never fry in a low flame, it absorbs the oil, and learn to use some proper English.?
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Farah Jamalii Posted on Fri Oct 02 2015
we can use any milk for it??
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