Traditionally shami kebabs are made using spices minced meat and chickpeas and are cooked...
This is a very popular Mutton dish cooked in a true Hyderabadi style. It is cooked in a r...
Afrodisiac drumsticks and mutton curry is a relish mutton curry which is cooked in combi...
Keema Khameeri Roti is a fermented dough roti topped with a spicy keema mix. This roti ta...
Mutton and green leafy vegetable cooked together turns out to be the best among all. This...
Dhansak is a popular Indian dish, especially among the Parsi Zoroastrian community. It co...
Kolhapuri Mutton curry made with authentic Kanda lasoon masala. This curry is sumptuous,its fiery and delicious, the meat tender and succulent..and its equally good with rotis or rice.
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