A simple spicy aratikaya masala kura to go with rice or chapathi....
The combination of spinach and chicken is an everlasting, healthy and delicious combinati...
Yam cooked with tamarind pulusu is a nice tangy dish made with Elephant yam cooked in t...
Indian Yellow Gravy Restaurant Style - Korma Curry Mother Sauce is basic yellow gravy inf...
Foodhi brinjal is a curry goes well with sambar rice and curd rice. Eggplant that is the ...
Amaranth toor dal is a dry kind of curry variety which is very healthy. ...
Kaima idly, a unique breakfast with combination of vegetables perfectly cooked with left over idli pieces and spiced with gun powder. It is prepared in a jiffy if cooked idli are available.
How to make Kaima Idli?How to cook Kaima Idli?Learn the recipe Kaima Idli by vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com
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How to make Kaima Idli?How to cook Kaima Idli?Learn the recipe Kaima Idli by vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com