Keema/ Kheema/ Qeema Matar: Mince meat of lamb cooked with peas, you can substitute it wi...
This dish is made in several ways but the two popular versions are Kashmiri and Iranian....
Turnip Keema Curry is a nice dry dish and a popular dish in dhabas and restaurants especi...
Mutton Pepper Chops is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curries. This easy ready to ...
Eggs covered with chicken mince and cooked in awesome gravy.Nargisi kofta is an exotic Mu...
Empanada Pastry Pockets is a popular street food native to Spain and many other countries...
This is one my favourite receipe. I learnt it from my mother. It has become our familys traditional receipe.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed Mar 12 2008
2 tsp Gas gasalu . It want to prepare this receipe Please let me knowI what is Gas gasalu and where do you get it? Thanks so much for your video. I tried Medu Vada and Rava Dosa. Taste excellent.
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