Chutney make an important part of meal in India with the combination of Tomato, red chill...
Traditionally famous Idiyappam recipe with cool and refreshing flavors of mint tastes eve...
Oats and Carrot Pongal Sweets are a simple, wholesome and full of flavor. Served for the ...
A comforting, thick and filling vegetarian soup without being heavy. Delicately flavored...
A delicious Maharashtrian vegetarian dish made with bottle gourd and field beans cooked i...
Taro root (Arbi) tikki is one of the most tastiest kebab which just tastes like any non v...
Fish curry with garlic is an authentic dish and is prepared at most of the coastal areas as fish is indispensable in these coastal regions.
It is a simple dish prepared by flavoring fishes with fresh garlic chopped. It is made in a jiffy with simple ingredients.
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