A dry prawn with tomato masala is made dry prawns cooked with ridge gourd in a flavourful...
Tomato rice is a very delicious and simple to prepare recipe. Pureed or chopped tomatoes ...
This is an easy and nutritional paratha and can be packed as a tiffin box recipe for scho...
Adobo is the name of a popular dish and cooking process in Philippine cuisine that involv...
Chicken Biryani is an exotic one-dish meal, served usually at large get togethers, occasi...
Mutton and green leafy vegetable cooked together turns out to be the best among all. This...
Create a tasty and healthy way to enjoy what you catch. Learn the recipe of Fish brown sauce by vahchef.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed Aug 05 2009
This is a wonderful recipe that I have made myself. Indian cooks should note the frying of the maida flour in oil to create a very unique tadka. It goes from light brown to golden brown to dark brown to brick red (for certain dishes the flour is
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