Heavenly jumbo prawns/ Garlic Butter Prawns nicely stuffed with a rich butter mixture and...
Sri Lanka Style Amaranth Beetroot Curry tastes excellent by the combination of amaranth a...
Chingudi Besara Prawns cooked in mustard sauce is a delicious and healthy dish....
This is a exotic shallow fried fish recipe. Fish is good for health as it is rich in prot...
Incredibly simple, remarkably delicious--this is a dish that's elegant enough for enterta...
Rava fish fry is a Goan dish. This fry is different from regular fish fry as the batter i...
These fried oysters are perfect on their own served with fries or over a salad. Learn the recipe of Deep-fried Oyster by vahchef.
There’s something very gratifying about biting through the crisp outer crust and into the tender center of a fried oyster.
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