Plantain sukke is a variety dal recipe prepared with dal and raw plantain. This can be se...
Crispy and delicious bitter gourd masala vadas recipe is the best way to include the good...
Dal Maharani is the quintessential celebratory lentil for Northern India. Its silky consi...
Moong dal ka bhajiya is a snack recipe. When you don't want to have something as heavy as...
An Indian soup of Paneer goli dal shobra, it is healthy and tasty. ...
Bean fried rice is a rice recipe. It is highly nutritional and protein rich meal....
How to makecucumber dal?How to cookcucumber dal?Learn the recipecucumber dalby vahchef.For all recipes visit
About Recipe
Dosakaya pappu, Vellarikka paruppu, Sasha Sausha Daal |