A popular Indian dish consisting of chicken marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices t...
Moussaka is a casserole made by layering eggplant with a spiced meat filling then topping...
Pakora/ Bajji is a simple dish prepared by dipping the sliced vegetable in a mildly spice...
Sweet Pongal Recipe-Sakkarai Pongal-Chakkarai Pongal. Pongal is one of the most popular f...
This is a rich, delicious and luxurious dessert is a great comfort food on a cold winter'...
Vattayappam is Kerala's own fermented steamed rice cake. One of the healthiest traditiona...
How to makeChakin Sushi?How to cookChakin Sushi?Learn the recipeChakin Sushiby vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com
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