Poppy seeds and coconut paste used in many vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes....
Rasam with a perfect blend of potatoes, cauliflower, greens peas, and spices makes this r...
This is very different variety curry and can be served with naan, pulka and roti. planta...
Makeral fish massaged and stuffed with shallots, mango and Indian spices and shallow fry ...
Aloo Bhindi is a very popular North Indian side dish. A different side dish for roti, p...
Eggplant/Brinjal in a makhani style sauce is the only thing better is cooking it in a slo...
Bottle gourd peanut in tangy gravy has spicy flavors from dry red chilies and tangy flavor from the tomatoes and tamarind. This can be served for rice or roti
About Recipe
Ramanathan Posted on Wed Dec 04 2019
Just Superb. I could try only today. Awesome. It has come out well with nice taste and aroma. Even people in my house who don't take Bottle Gourd generally, appreciated this dish asking for more. Thanks a lot.
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