Puranpoli is a Maharashtrian recipe. This is a traditional recipe, made with chana dal a...
Fig dessert or anjeer ka halwa also known as anjeer ka meetha is a tasty and quick desser...
Jarda Pulao is a perfect recipe for festival season. ...
How to makeCHIKKI WITH SUGAR?How to cookCHIKKI WITH SUGAR?Learn the recipeCHIKKI WITH...
Coeur a la creme translates from the French as “heart of the cream.” Traditionally associ...
An excellent amalgamation of pumpkin halwa with apple sauce that pricks your taste buds w...
Banana Pie is one of the yummiest things on earth and this is a great one.Learn the recipe of Banana Pie by vahchef.
This dreamy dessert has a wonderful banana flavor. It looks so pretty, and it cuts easily, too
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